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Monthly Archives: August 2007

Random Quote

It is impossible to trap modern physics into predicting anything with perfect determinism because it deals with probabilities from the outset.

— Sir Arthur Eddington (1882 – 1944), In J. R. Newman (ed.) The World of Mathematics, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956

Nik’s Schemes of Work

Nik’s schemes of work will be uploaded to www.webucate.org shortly.

If you cannot wait….here they are ….on the Blog.

 ADDITIONAL  enzymes-and-their-functions.zip

APPLIED    food-nutrients-and-their-functions.zip  (1-5 LESSONS)




Any more schemes of work…..keep me busy!!!

Send me your Schemes of Work….

Please send me your schemes of work by e-mail.
They will be uploaded to www.webucate.org

All lesson for a topic will be zipped before uploading to webucate
….to save you time in downloading each separate file/lesson.

The latest files, submitted by Amy andTracey, are now online at http://www.webucate.org/ourgallery/thumbnails.php?album=73


Martyn……   http://www.flickr.com/photos/mjovery/