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Yearly Archives: 2007

Random Quote

Science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination.

— Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970)

Copyright-free Images for Sports Science

I have started to upload images for Sports Science.


Please feel free to use these images in your classroom resources…


Dr.Wabo’s Schemes of Work (Yr 11)

1. Applied (Forensics) : Analysing Evidence from a Crime Scene


2. Additional: How can we use ions in a solution


Both resources have also been uploaded to the www.webucate.org website

Liz’s Schemes of Work (Yr 11)

Here are Liz’s Schemes of Work for Additional and Additional Applied

Additional Applied : Exercise and the Body exerandbody.zip

Additional : Radioactivity: radioactivity.zip

These resources have also been uploaded to the

www.webucate.org KS4 (Year 11) Zones at
